Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I got dunked this past Sunday.

I was baptized as an infant, but since that day my theology concerning baptism has changed considerably, given the fact that I now possess the ability to comprehend the world around me.

Check out Brett's blog to find out all the double dunking details.

Baptism has been a bit of a difficult topic for me. I guess I know where I stand theologically, but I constantly struggled with the right time and place to be baptized. I was always worried that my heart would not be in the right place. And if it were up to me, it would never be in the right place.

One word: Grace.

Well. Sunday morning rolled around and God made Grace as real as it ever has been to me. I was moved deeply by God's Grace throughout the service until I went into the tank and it continued throughout the day.

Shoot. I just need to trust that God will get me where I need to go. He makes my heart right, not me.

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