Friday, May 23, 2008

American Idolatry: What Others Are Saying

In light of yesterday's post regarding American Idolatry, watch Mark Driscoll in this video:

In addition, Tom Stellar writes concerning 1 John 5:21:

"What, then, is idolatry? Idolatry is valuing any thing or any person more than the one true God. An idol is any thing or any person that takes center stage in our affections. God is a jealous God. He deserves center stage in our lives. Anything that usurps that place becomes an idol, whether it be a spouse, a child, a humanitarian project, or pornography, or drugs, or power over the poor, or religion. An idol is a god-substitute. Archeology limits idols to stone statues; biblical theology teaches that idols are any things that take the place of God in our lives. When understood this way, we can realize that idolatry is not ancient history but is alive and flourishing in America as we rush toward the twenty-first century.

"So John's closing command 'Little children, keep yourselves from idols' has as much relevance for our day as for any generation since creation."

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