Thursday, September 10, 2009

After One Month of Seminary...

... I now know for certain that I know nothing.


Eva Joy said...

You lasted a whole month?

Kudos, dude. My ego was down for the count after about 4 hours.

Caleb said...

No. I think that I was at the same point after 4 hours, but I only recently regrouped enough to make the statement.

A.T. Post said...

Man, I might be blaspheming or trivializing by saying this, but I'm actually trying to sympathize with you. As a writer, I felt the exact same way as you're feeling right now about three chapters into William Zinsser's book "On Writing Well." Ego - gone. Humility factor - skyrocketing. Admission that all prior knowledge about writing needs to be thrown out the window - broached.

Caleb said...

Haha. That is hardly blasphemy. I would not deny your ability to sympathize. Sometimes we think we have something figured out, maybe even a bunch of things. But we don't. I not saying that knowledge in unattainable, only that the vastness of knowable things is not accounted for when we talk about what we "know." If that makes sense at all...