Thursday, August 19, 2010

Future Kids Say the Darndest Things

Yesterday in my Leadership and Family Ministry class, as my prof was talking about his children, I daydreamed a dialogue that my future kids might have in fifteen years.

Son 1: Dad is so lame.
Son 2: Why?
S1: I asked for a robot for my birthday, and he said that he would "think about it."
S2: Lame.
S1: I know. We have to be the only family in all of Cloud City that doesn't have a robot.
S2: Yeah. And every time we point that out to him he says, "money, responsibility, blah, blah, blah."
S1: For real. He doesn't know what's cool anymore. He thinks the internet is still relevant.
S2: Yeah. And no one who thinks the internet is still relevant has any idea the benefits of a robot.
S1: Seriously.
S2: I mean, we wouldn't have to mow the cyber-lawn anymore. Wait, why do we even have a cyber-lawn if we have to maintain it?
S1: I tried to manually uninstall the cyber-lawn application last week, but I couldn't figure out Dad's password.
S2: It can't be that hard. He still thinks the internet in relevant, remember?
S1: Yeah.
S2: Hey. Go grab your hoverboard and we'll ride over to Lous Diner. 
S1: Sweet idea.


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