Monday, February 08, 2010

Don't Waste Your Super-Bowl Ad

Well, here is my first blog post of 2010. I was going to put it off, but I can't.

Who saw the over-hyped, completely missable Tim Tebow/Focus on the Family "pro-life" ad? Yeah; me neither.

Well, here it is:

The clock is ticking, Focus on the Family. I don't know if you've noticed, but our nation has entered into a post-Christian age where mandolin music and white, middle-class people telling watered-down anecdotes isn't going to cut it when addressing one of the greatest crimes against humanity in history.

When it comes to abortion, we need the facts; we do not need heart-warming stories detached from valuable information while thousands of babies' lives hang in the balance.

An opportunity like a 30 second Super-Bowl ad is not going to be an excessive commodity in the future for the evangelical community in America. Focus on the Family spilled some of the precious water in the dirt with last night's TV spot. And we don't know how many more draws we can get before the well is dry.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm with you 100%. I saw it and was extremely disappointed.