Sunday, February 28, 2010

52 Books in 52 Weeks: February Report

The only resolution I made this year was to read 50 books. I am going to go ahead and up that number to 52 to make it a book a week.

So, I figured that I will update you at the end of each month as to how I am doing with my goal and to give you recommendations based on my reading.

So far, there have been about nine weeks in 2010 and I have completed five books (don't worry, I am not behind as I am currently working on about five or six other books which should be close to completion by March's end).

In 2010 I have read:

I would recommend all of these books, but not equally. Pilgrim's Progress is an absolute must read for all Christians and a book everyone should have in their library. This is my second time reading it and I was struck again by its how insightful it is on every level. I would check out each of the others as well, but I want to encourage reading Leithart's Deep Exegesis. It is a very good read if you are interested at all in biblical interpretation (which you should be).

There you have it. More to come at the end of March.


Jordan said...

I just started the Whitney book because I decided to study spiritual disciplines for sunday school. The Rainbow Shop actually had one copy in stock...

Caleb said...

Wow. That's a shock.