Sunday, April 26, 2009


Rebekah and I have a favorite flower. The tulip.

Here are the reasons why I love tulips:

  1. Tulips are a symbol of new life. When I was young my mother would plant tulips. In the springtime they would pop out of the ground telling everyone that Spring had arrived. New life arises in the Spring just like in our spiritual lives: God calls us from wintery death to spring-like life through Jesus Christ.
  2. Tulips spring from the ground like Christ sprung from the grave. And both are celebrated in the Spring.
  3. Tulips--as already noted--come in the Spring. Spring is my favorite season.
  4. The "Doctrines of Grace" are easily remembered by the acronym TULIP.
  5. Bonus reason: Resident Thorns Poet, Jordan, just made this up,
One lip,
Three lips,
Four lips.

I hope you love tulips too.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Tulips remind me of my mother.

And my desire to be like Dr. Seuss.