Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Sarah Palin Distraction

Everyone is throwing in their two cents on Sarah Palin and I am beginning to feel left out. So I will join the I'm-gonna-throw-my-two-cents-in-on-Sarah-Palin party.

Sarah Palin has been a success as a vice-presidential pick. Why? Because she has distracted the media from Barack Obama. I think that's why John McCain picked her. And it was brilliant.

It doesn't matter if you think that Sarah Palin is a good VP choice or a horrible one, she has distracted the "Great Eye" of the media like Aragorn marching on the gates of Mordor while John McCain tries to slip into Mt. Doom/The Oval Office unnoticed. 

Here is some media to show how this is happening:
Palin is front and center of the New York Times home page.

And observe the "Latest News" section for September 11 on Note occurances of "Palin" versus occurances of "Obama" or "Biden."

Some are even saying that Obama Can't Win Against Palin and adsiving Obama to Just Leave Her Alone For Now

Would Sarah Palin be a good vice president? It doesn't matter. Could the Sarah Palin choice pay off? It already has. She has fulfilled her duty. We are less than two months from election day and the Obama/Biden ticket is old news. 

Sarah Palin is a distraction. A successful distraction.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

On all levels, Mt. Doom is the same as the Oval Office.