Rob Bell
Mars Hill Bible Church
Grandville, Michigan
Bell is the founder of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, Michigan. He is also a well know author, speaker and developed the widespread NOOMA video epidemic. He has been coined the "next Billy Graham" by the Chicago Sun Times and cracked the top 10 of's "Top 50 Most Influential Christians in America." Bell obtained an undergraduate degree from Wheaton college, and upon realizing that he had the ability to teach, enrolled in Fuller Theological Seminary and graduated with a Masters in Divinity.
Bell's theology tastes a lot like little open theism as indicated by Greg Gilbert's review of the latest NOOMA video. The Mars Hill homepage states their theology like this: "When we begin to describe what we believe about God, we discover that he's been writing a story of hope and redemption for all the world, and we have a role to play in this story." In response, I prefer to agree with Scripture which portrays God as an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being that doesn't require my help "writing" a story. The story is written. And it's about God and His glory.
These stances are not surprising in the least. Bell has been wishy-washy at best when it comes to the authority of Scripture and Sola Scriptura. He also calls into question the virgin birth of Christ in his book Velvet Elvis. Immediately this seems harmless enough, but when one takes a closer look one sees the tremendous impact and follies of this poorly thought out hypothetical. If Christ were the Son of a man, not conceived of the Holy Spirit, he would have been born into sin therefore making a perfect life impossible and ultimately left Christ's death ineffective and unable to justify anyone or anything. This does not bode well for redemption. At least he is consistent. If he questions the authority of Scripture then by all means question the virgin birth. And in a theology where the virgin birth is irrelevant it is probably true that God does need us to help out in "writing a story of hope and redemption for all the world."
Mark Driscoll
Mars Hill Chruch
Seattle, Washington
Driscoll is the co-founder of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington. He also co-founded the Acts 29 Network and is a major contributor to the missonal resource website, The Resurgence. He graduated from Washington State with a degree in communications and is continuing his education at Western Seminary in Portland. Driscoll has been characterized as a new kind of fundamentalist and a maverick. Personally, he refers to himself as a "charismatic Calvinist." He received criticism in 2006 from friend and mentor John Piper. Joshua Harris recounts this in his blog: "As if he (Piper) were speaking to Mark, he said (and I paraphrase), 'A pastor cannot be clever and show Christ as glorious. Mark Driscoll, you’re clever. You have an amazing ability to turn a phrase and make statements that draw people back week after week. But it’s dangerous. So many pastors will see you and try to imitate you and then try to watch all the movies and TV shows so they can try to be like you.' In essence, Piper was bringing correction to certain aspects of Driscoll’s style and delivery, while stating that they agreed on the most important issues of doctrine."
Driscoll's theology is essentially Reformed. He has called himself a 4 1/2 point Calvinist. Very early in his career Driscoll associated himself with the emergent movement; however, he has become a major voice against the camp which is inhabited by influential evangelical thinkers like Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, and, his Michigan Mars Hill friend, Rob Bell.
What separates Driscoll from Bell? First, the authority of Scripture. Bell wavers while Driscoll is unwavering. Scripture is uncompromised at Mars Hill Seattle through exegetical preaching while Bell shows us that he is not so sure in Velvet Elvis. Secondly, Jesus. Driscoll emphasizes Christ as risen Lord, ruling over all of creation, sovereign and unchangeable, perfect in life, glorified in death, and in his resurrection reigning from His seat at the Father's right hand. Bell emphasizes Jesus and his life on earth and the mission that He had. According to Bell, Jesus came to spread love and invoke a redemptive process by jump starting efforts to bring His kingdom to earth.
Both of these gentlemen have "effective" ministries; both have an impact in their communities and are doing wonderful things in their respective cities. Both of these men are my brothers in Christ. However, are both men preaching Christ and him crucified? That's an important question to ask and the question I will leave you with.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
19 hours ago
interesting thoughts you pose. facts really. yes. i think there are more parts to Christ than we could possibly understand on this earth. i also believe every part of Christ that we can understand is equally as important as another because all parts are who He is wholly. different parts, however, need to be seen and shown in the context of all the Jesus we know.
yes. those are my thoughts on this.
RON PAUL 2008!
Erm...uh...I mean...Mark Driscoll.
I vote Driscoll... If you ask me, Rob Bell serves a purpose, and he probably is just trying his hardest to lead others towards Christ... I do however think he needs to be very careful about how he is doing so. I know many people who act like Rob Bell followers, rather than followers of Jesus Christ... Is this what Rob wants? Probably not... But when I talk to these people when i talk to these people, it seems like they are in a cult... All glory needs to be directed towards God, and it seems like these people give glory to Rob Bell. Rob Bell takes simple passages of the Bible and intentionally throws a different spin on them to try and create an interest. My advice to him is use some of his creativity on figuring out how to get people into the Church without changing scripture... Once people are there preach the gospel. That means preach it from the only God breathed material we have...THE BIBLE... Let God do the rest. He works through the hearts and minds of people... He changes people... He is the one that saves them... Not creative spins. The work of changing one's heart, comes through the work of the Holy Spirit... Not through idea's and creativity... So Rob Bell, although I believe your intentions are good... Please use your gifts that God has blessed you with... your passion for the lost, and stay true to scripture...
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The article was very interesting and informative for me.
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